It’s only been 10 weeks since the gruesome events that resulted in Risa unexpectedly being named heir of the prestigious Grounds of Pierre. To say that a lot can happen in a year would be an understatement for Risa. The last twelve months of her life had landed her in the middle North Carolina’s countryside with a new baby, a spiraling relationship with her ex who she previously left to pursue another man, and an entire family farm to run against the strong will of Mrs. Queenie’s long lost daughter, Marcia.
In this sequel of MATERNAL, Risa’s maternal identity is tested in every way as a mother, a woman holding the heart of a man who lovers her deeply, a surrogate sister and finally as a daughter herself when she has to face the only woman other than Mrs. Queenie who could cut her to her core…her own mother.
In her desperate efforts to be a better mother than the one she was born to and successfully steward her new inheritance, Risa must do the work and fight to heal from her own mommy issues and learn how to love and be loved. But her fight doesn’t come without the dangers of old skeletons and deadly family secrets that threaten the very land and lives that Mrs. Queenie entrusted her with. Will Risa rise to Mrs. Queenie’s expectations or fall back into survival mode and abandon everything?
Buckle up. A new whirlwind is about to unfold on The Grounds of Pierre.
It’s only been 10 weeks since the gruesome events that resulted in Risa unexpectedly being named heir of the prestigious Grounds of Pierre. To say that a lot can happen in a year would be an understatement for Risa. The last twelve months of her life had landed her in the middle North Carolina’s countryside with a new baby, a spiraling relationship with her ex who she previously left to pursue another man, and an entire family farm to run against the strong will of Mrs. Queenie’s long lost daughter, Marcia.
In this sequel of MATERNAL, Risa’s maternal identity is tested in every way as a mother, a woman holding the heart of a man who lovers her deeply, a surrogate sister and finally as a daughter herself when she has to face the only woman other than Mrs. Queenie who could cut her to her core…her own mother.
In her desperate efforts to be a better mother than the one she was born to and successfully steward her new inheritance, Risa must do the work and fight to heal from her own mommy issues and learn how to love and be loved. But her fight doesn’t come without the dangers of old skeletons and deadly family secrets that threaten the very land and lives that Mrs. Queenie entrusted her with. Will Risa rise to Mrs. Queenie’s expectations or fall back into survival mode and abandon everything?
Buckle up. A new whirlwind is about to unfold on The Grounds of Pierre.
It’s only been 10 weeks since the gruesome events that resulted in Risa unexpectedly being named heir of the prestigious Grounds of Pierre. To say that a lot can happen in a year would be an understatement for Risa. The last twelve months of her life had landed her in the middle North Carolina’s countryside with a new baby, a spiraling relationship with her ex who she previously left to pursue another man, and an entire family farm to run against the strong will of Mrs. Queenie’s long lost daughter, Marcia.
In this sequel of MATERNAL, Risa’s maternal identity is tested in every way as a mother, a woman holding the heart of a man who lovers her deeply, a surrogate sister and finally as a daughter herself when she has to face the only woman other than Mrs. Queenie who could cut her to her core…her own mother.
In her desperate efforts to be a better mother than the one she was born to and successfully steward her new inheritance, Risa must do the work and fight to heal from her own mommy issues and learn how to love and be loved. But her fight doesn’t come without the dangers of old skeletons and deadly family secrets that threaten the very land and lives that Mrs. Queenie entrusted her with. Will Risa rise to Mrs. Queenie’s expectations or fall back into survival mode and abandon everything?
Buckle up. A new whirlwind is about to unfold on The Grounds of Pierre.